Thursday, August 29, 2013


Don't play video games all day. Pay attention in school. Aspire to be better than your parents. Clean your room. Put your clothes away, if they are dirty take them to the laundry room. School is most important, but get a job. Dress for success, pull up your pants, and carry yourself well. Don't expect life to give you what you need. Work hard. Save your money. Earn your lifestyle. Go to college, to the army or start a job after high school. Don't be a bum. Get a job you enjoy and won't complain about. Find a good woman to respect and love. Help with housework, kids, and bills. Be at home to enjoy what you have worked for. Don't stay late at the office. Come home early. Stay honest to your wife, cheating is easy, loyalty is hard. Surprise her with flowers, and children with gifts. Watch your children grow. Encourage them to be better than you. Be proud when they accomplish something and grateful when you get to see them after they start college. Grow old with your wife by your side. Enjoy your grandchildren. Love the life you lived.


  1. It's interesting that parental advice is often filled with potential impossibilities. I imagine it is hard for some men to get a job that supports their family, yet a job that allows them to be home to enjoy what they have worked for. I appreciate the repetition here of needing to take time to enjoy things...your job, your family, the life you build. Thanks. :)

  2. I like it that in your blog you advise that what used to be traditional chores for the women you also be done for the boys, many of the other blogs were also written that way. Also I like the respect shown to their spouses.
